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Music Mentoring
The ‘WEL’ in Tamwel Arts stands for ‘WELLNESS’.
Music Mentoring and Wellness is the special passion of Tamwel Arts Director Tammy Methofer. It is the Tamwel Arts commitment to being compassionate, inclusive and understanding that drives Tammy's aspiration to ensure that every student can soar to their own highest heights.
Tamwel Arts curates specific, individualised and holistic music wellness and art therapy programs to meet the personal objectives of each student. This program is available to all students needing a helping hand with whatever personal challenges they face.
Every Tamwel Arts student becomes a part of our family and we personally invest in ensuring they get very best outcomes from their time with us.
As a students goals are unique and intimate to their own development journey, the strategies and activities implemented will vary. One of our many thriving students is Nic (Pictured with Tammy) who works on gross & fine motor skills, understanding the value of numbers, and sharing the love of music with friends and family.
We can cater for NDIS participants who are self managed and plan managed. We revel in the unique and rewarding challenges of helping children and adults learn life skills using music as a tool. Our tried and tested methodologies are gifted to each student to support them in their social development, communication, fine and gross motor skills, confidence and self esteem. We work with students on the autism spectrum, students with SPD, ADHD, ODD, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, global developmental delay, anxiety, depression, intellectual disabilities and a multitude of other conditions using targeted and tailored strategies to bring out their very best.

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